Sunday 5 July 2015

Seven Months: Here's What Happened

The dreaded radio silence that I had sworn never to let happen on this page has happened.

A short condensed list of other things that have happened on the side over the last 7+ months (because you are dying to know).

1) I am not unemployed! And have some fantastic colleagues with whom I share office space every so often. Infinitely grateful!

2) A handful of talented people have wandered into my life, much to my delight. From the musically-minded to athletically-inspiring, a mixed bag but a great one because of it.

3) Spent some QFT in Paris. Quality family time, that is - a rarity for my family which has the propensity to be dispersed around the globe. It involved a lot of food and drinks and minimal sight-seeing or cultural enlightenment of any sort.

4) I am trying to make an extra conscious effort to listen to song lyrics. It can be surprisingly difficult to tune in and really appreciate the stories recited in them. Not to mention acknowledge the melodic verses, poetic rhymes and plays on words, and the overall sheer genius that is involved in music-making. Especially when rushing (frantically) to catch a train or cycling (also pretty frantically, at times with undesired traumatic outcomes) around the city in the process. Such activities are attention-absorbing and distraction-laden. Alas that is life, London-style, for you. Frantic, traumatising and constantly rushing.
Fun fact: I have a somewhat unusual sore spot centred on the topic of lyrics having pretty much been fired from my first internship ever, working in a lyrics provider start-up. Apparently I asked too many questions (and didn't always agree with the way my boss decided to treat and communicate with his employees). Truly confidence-boosting moment in the final stages of my student life. Alas, I survived it and my employment prospects seem not to have suffered too much so all is good in the hood.

5) Seven months simply cannot be fit into a nutshell... or any condensed list of any sort. Not with ease at least.

So I will leave you listen to this instead:

Happy Sunday!

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