Tuesday 18 February 2014

A small Word on Dreaming Big

The world is your oyster.
You ain't got long on it.
So you better make the most of it.

That was the conclusion that my nutty friend and I reached over our steamy bowls of pumpkin soup on her last night visiting me in Bologna.

She is one of a handful of friends that I can have these occasional heart-to-hearts with, whether it be over sloppy soup or as a bed time chat - concluding with deep sighs freckled with wisdom (perhaps) and a series of mumbles, before finally rolling over and falling asleep.

She is one great big character concentrated into a petite, peppery package of dreams (she's also a bit of a juice-junkie). 

And she always reminds me of how important it is to create your own path - even if you don't know exactly where it will take you.

A wise one she is. And a talented one too.

Dream big, even if you're small. That is the moral of the story, I think.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for such a wonderful time in Bologna! Never will I regret eating so much food and enjoying every moment. Look forward to seeing you in spring/summer. I love this blog! I want to print it out :-P
