Saturday 10 May 2014


Prioritising is a very important skill. Especially as a student.
 Let's just make that clear.

So what to do when you have a dissertation to write and several exams to prepare for, 
but the ever seductive Italian summer sun is beckoning at you from your window?

Go to the Mercato della Terra of course.
It's grocery shopping after all.
(It's a chore... and a pressing one too. Therefore it is a priority.)

Once you've arrived, go ahead and get yourself a porchetta (or pesto) tigella.
Just getting brunch while waiting to be served at the veggie stall you see.
Two birds with one stone.

Then get some more food. You know, that way you don't need to eat till dinner.
Just saving yourself time mate, all strategic.

Upon arriving home, once you've stocked your fridge up with fresh veg,
only then is it time to lament.
Not only do you now have to work, but you've also had a taste of the warm rays of sunshine
on your pale, pasty skin (telling of how studious you have been up until now - so flaunt it.)
You've heard the buzz of people soaking it all up.
You know that everyone will be heading to the park for a nice snooze. 

Maybe join them later, have a quick walk - as a study break.
(Don't want to be overexerting yourself now.)
It is Saturday after all. 
And lest we forget, we are in Italy.
(What even is this "work" you keep on talking about?)

But in the meantime...
What to do, what to do.

Well, bring the park to you of course.
(I.e. drag your desk half way across your room to your window.)
(Your bed may have to do as a makeshift desk chair. But as long as your back holds - not a problem.)
Ecco, your dull workspace has now been converted into a lovely, park-like space. Sort of.

Once that's done,
Pop some fresh market mint into a tea pot and make some mint tea.
And play some Bob Marley. Or fitting music of your choice.
 Now, and only now, are you ready to start working.

Talk about prioritising perfection.

I'd say you could all probably learn a thing or two from me...

Sakura image from here.

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