Tuesday 13 May 2014

Ted Talk Tuesday

This one got shared around quite a bit, 
but I thought I'd pick it anyway -
take a look if you never got round to watching it!

Sir Ken Robinson on

How Schools Kill Creativity

Sir Ken Robinson makes a good point about the difficulty of preparing ourselves and "our children" for the future. I've recently had some pretty scary articles brought to my attention.

For example, I had no idea how quickly the 3-D printers have been developing. They are already on the market and in use. The other day I stumbled upon this article. I knew that a 3-D gun had been printed, but reading about a man being arrested in Japan for printing a gun, just goes to show how easily it can be done. Considering one of Japan's greatest aspects is how safe it is (I mean, people save their seat with their iPhones and wallets at cafes), the thought that people will be able to print guns from the comfort of their own homes is a pretty unnerving one.

On a similar note, the development of robots and technology in that field has been rapid, fascinating and terrifying.
We have reached the point where the UN needs to discuss whether or not to ban "killer robots".
What is this - Terminator 6 in the making? This stuff is surreal. Not to mention extremely worrying.
Humans really are a self-destructing species.

Who knows what the future's got in store for us?

Anyway, enough rambling for today,

Summer is just over the horizon, stay happy folks!

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree!
